Manuel Shah (2004)

| Letters

Los Angeles, CA 90013

15 April 2004

Dear Internal Revenue Service of United States Government

I vehemently oppose the current U.S.-led attack and occupation of Iraq and the use of our military in Afghanistan. Roughly 50% of our income tax dollars are spent on the military. This expenditure of federal tax dollars drains resources from education programs, infrastructure and other basic needs. These conflicts have only gotten worse since they began and threats of aggression towards our country only appear to have increased. My conscience will not allow me to silently fund our government’s acts of violence.

For such reasons I have withheld payment of $16.93 (31% of the $54.60 your calculations believe I “owe”) for my 2003 federal taxes. This 31% corresponds to the proportion of the federal fund figures outlined in the Budget of the United States Government FY 2005, as charted by the War Resisters League, directed towards paying for the U.S. current military spending (28% or $536 billion of total federal fund outlays) and the Iraq and Afghan wars (3% or $50 billion). I am redirecting this amount of federal taxes I owe to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, in particular to their humanitarian fund for activities in Iraq.

I understand this act is a willful violation of laws that demand I pay for war. Not only have I included this statement with my return, but I also intend to circulate this to the offices of my Senators and Congressional representative, as well as to my friends, family and local media.


Manuel J. Shah

CC: Senators Boxer and Feinstein, Congresswoman Roybal-Allard, LA Weekly, LA Times